Posting non-keyword-driven content is like talking to a wall alone, but people do it all the time since they haven’t discovered what they should do instead. If you make a blog post that starts with the title “What’s new and exciting” then people only looking for the actual term “What’s new and exciting” will find it. But if you post “The Best SCUBA Gear for Beginners” someone may find it who will want to connect to your SCUBA instruction business. SCUBA Gear has 49,000 Local Monthly Searches and “SCUBA Gear for Beginners” has 73 Local Monthly Searches. I bet those 73 really care about the content if it is worth seeing.
How do you research stats that apply to your business? Here’s one method:
– Go to the free Google keyword tool (gkwords.com) and look up two or more words you think people may use looking for the content. View the “Local Monthly Searches” — any number is good from 80 to 80,000. I am big on keeping this simple so you can move fast and get the content out. Over time this truly adds up.
– For example, a SCUBA instructor wrote a blog post explaining Nitrox and its use with SCUBA diving because a number of students had asked about it in his hands-on SCUBA classes. Then he looked up “Into to Nitrox” and “Introduction to Nitrox” had a “-“ in the “Local Monthly Searches” column, meaning not enough people are searching for that to be significant. So he tried “Nitrox Tanks” and found 80 searches under “Local Monthly Searches”. That is good enough and he produced the blog title: “Nitrox and Nitrox Tanks for Beginners”. This now can be found.
– Here is a link to see how this post was indexed by Google:
How are you using Keywords and the Google Keyword took in your business? Let me know in the comment area.