Rebecca’s of Clinton is a wonderful example of using Instagram to get more business. To quote the owner, “We can post on Instagram and get a load of people right then from something we just posted”. It all started with a younger customer who said, “let me see your phone” and the owner said “No, and I am bombarded with Facebook already (she was just working alone in her store, at that time).” The owner let the younger customer install Instagram anyway on her phone and it stayed almost dormant for a few weeks with a couple of photos. Then one day the owner had a slow time and just decided to post some specials and other items. From there it just took off as more and more people found it on Instargram.
I learned about Instagram at this business when the local Chamber of Commerce was taking me around to meet some local businesses while I was in town teaching Social Media. When I went into the very busy Rebecca’s of Clinton I saw first hand people coming in the door from something they recently saw on Instagram and watched one of the employees posting on Instagram in the store (they have several employees now).
How they are using Instagram today is they have a dedicated tablet just for Social Media in the store and work together to come up with interesting things to post, influenced by customer responses. They will post different photos of stock with a little description, how much it is, a few hashtages including the brand names. They even have local models and sometimes customers.

One of the fun things they did for homecoming is have a girl try on three dresses, then put the picture together with pic stitch app (Apple or Android) and post it. They would tell their friends to “help Megan choose 1,2 or 3” and they would have over 25 responses and then sell the dress right there. They have special events like a Friday Give-away and if you are a customer the last 6 months, you get a tank top. The store would be full and they always most always buy something else. “Instagram is a bigger hit than Facebook for the under 35 crowd” said the employee I interviewed. Some of the pictures are also used on Facebook or the website.
You can see what they are doing today by going to their Instagram page:
What is unique about this business? They know their customers, they know where their customer related on-line and they are willing to learn something new embracing the new technology that works.
Here are a few pictures of the store,
Rebecca’s of Clinton – Clinton NC:

Find Rebecca’s on Google Maps at:
and them on Instagram at:
by Martin Brossman – – (919) 847-4757 – on Google+ at: and on Facebook at:
Also follow Martin on his personal Instagram at:
Also see Martin’s other article on Instagram for Business:
AND course on Instagram for Business Owners: