We are the new media. Every person has the chance to be a media broadcast center with a smart phone and internet access. The key is for us to make the core behavioral changes to take advantage of the power in our hands. Each business can be a beacon of the value in a town using the new tools of the Web but it requires thinking in terms of Us not just Me. True hope and economic growth must come from the ground up, asking what will it take, instead of asking if we can do it. When the people lead the leaders follow.
Know who the person is who will be your raving fan (this is a dynamic process). Know who they trust to make decisions and who else they buy from.
Learn which words and questions your customers would use to find you (keywords).
Bring key people out front to relate and build rapport with customers on the Web and in person.
Your logo and brand are secondary, to be used for people to know where to come back to.
Social Validation – what others say about you – is more important than marketing.
Remember the three competitive advantages that small and micro-business have:
Speed of execution – The ability to adapt quickly
A personal touch – People out front both relating in the business and on the Web. High touch behind high tech.
Local Content – You have to live in the area to understand the area the best and Google rewards quality married to relevant local content.
Develop the core behavior to constantly look for fresh, relevant content that speaks to your target customers.
Business Networking with other businesses that support the same customers (your strategic alliance partners) and using networking energy to build trust with other merchants, not sell to them.
Referral Marketing means you make clear up front that you are committed to create such high value they will be glad to refer people to you.
At a community / town level – Economic growth from the ground up:
- Make sure if someone asks merchants in town what there to do in the town or county the list is on line for the town. People easily fall asleep to the gifts, history, wonders and heroes in their own area. You may have to start with internal marketing/education program to get people in the area excited about their own area to start.
Having the entire core downtown merchants actively listed and using the free web directories
Chambers are the business networking hub for encouraging small business growth and the way for businesses to build trust by helping their Chamber.
Working with SCORE to keep the senior merchants actively helping in their community.
An active “Buy Local” program based on keeping a competitive advantage.
Inform local politicians on how showing active support to local owned business helps the local economy and votes.
If you are in North Carolina, look up the network of Small Business Centers (ncsbc.net) for free and low-cost seminars and valuable counseling for small business owners.
by Martin Brossman
Martin Brossman has been offering training and consulting for small business, Chambers of Commerce, Towns and Counties in North Carolina since 1995 and is available for hire by contacting Colleen Gray at Colleen@MartinBrossman.com or calling Colleen at: (919) 858-6122