For more information, contact
Martin Brossman at (919) 847-4757 orMartin@CoachingSupport.com
What people say about Martin’s Training:
Martin Brossman is a linkedin pro. He is very attune with social media and educating others on how to effectively use it.
– Noah Boswell
Martin Brossmen is a recognized expert in the triangle for networking and social networking on the web.
– Thomas Schaffer
I would highly recommend Martin Brossman. Personable, clear, down to earth and certainly a leading expert on the topic. He would be a great choice for anyone wanting to learn about Linkedin.
– Tom Golden
Managing your “online brand” is critical in today’s business. Martin is the person to show you how with Linkedin.
– Andy Borter
Professional Networking on the Web:
I would recommend Martin Brossman. He leads a group I am a member of called Professional Networking on the Web which focuses on how to use social media for networking, and self/business branding in the most efficient and effective way possible. He also leads excellent training seminars on the subjects as well.
– Justin Mascho
I would highly recommend Martin Brossman. I have been attending Professional Networking on the Web, a group he leads to educate people on personal branding on the web and its impact on our busineses.
– Brad Barbour, CPA
Martin – thanks for all of your help and support with the Sierra Club Socks – Sock-athon. The meeting was very valuable. You have easily saved me valuable months in getting up to speed on social marketing tools as well as connecting me with people who have been key in this whole national campaign. I hope folks will take advantage of this very valuable opportunity and also tap into your vast expertise and experience in this field.
– Diogenes
Martin has done much of the tough work to find out the true value of Linked In as it relates to social media and practical applications. Do not miss this opportunity to stay ahead of the herd in the area of professional networking on the web. As a career coach, this is essential for you, your business and your career.
– John M. O’Connor
Thanks Martin for all you have done for me and my Team. Your teaching ability to make social networking easy, fun and profitable is amazing. You’re the best!
– Linda Craft
Martin has done many seminars at the BNC in Cary. We always enjoy his presentations and the educational value that he provides.
We highly recommend you attend one of his seminars at the BNC in Cary.
We are also able to offer on-site custom training designed for your particular business.
- Individual and Group Customized Linkedin Training available on request.
Contact Martin Brossman to see how he can support your growth today: (919) 847-4757 or Martin@CoachingSupport.com