About Martin Brossman

Martin is a success coach, speaker, trainer and author incorporating social media training to accelerate growth for entrepreneurs and small businesses. He has originated in-person and on-line networking groups which have facilitated valuable business connections among members.

Martin's IBM background and computer skills have powered his ability to create and teach crucial new Internet communications, such as blogging, podcasting and on-line networking.

His own podcast show can be heard at www.lnquireOnLine.info . He offers consulting on how to generate profitable alliances by maximizing face-to-face and on-line presence and managing "the conversation of you" on the Web.

His 20 years of professional experience includes 7 years with IBM, where he received the "IBM Means Service" top customer service award, and 13 years developing and operating small businesses. Coaching since 1995, he developed a certification / mentoring program for Coaches in 2003. A native of Washington, D.C., he holds a BA in Math / Computer Science from St. Andrews College in Laurinburg, N.C., and currently resides in North Raleigh.

personal branding, conflict resolution training, social media business integration, business networking training, group facilitation, sales coaching & training . Some of the specific Social Networking areas and topics I speak and train in are: Social Media, Reputation Management, Personal Branding, Linkedin for Business, Facebook for Business, Twitter for Business, Podcasting, Video / Youtube, and Blogging for Business.

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Here are my most recent posts

Martin Brossman | Professional Business Networking On and Off the Web - Part 2